About Us

RAVI CORPORATION has been a leading electronic components distributor for over 35 years. We've helped millions of customers from businesses to educational institutions to hobbyists and along the way we're proud to have built a solid reputation for great prices, great selection, and a great source for hard-to-find electronic components. RAVI CORPORATION's buying expertise allows even the smallest company or individual electronic hobbyist to enjoy the same competitive pricing edge typically reserved for the highest volume buyers.

RAVI CORPORATION is the only electronic components distributor to give customers a true choice. RAVI CORPORATION offers more than 50,000 of the industry's most popular name brand components but what sets us apart is a large selection of in-stock house and generic brands that are typically priced 15 to 25% less, and an ever changing selection of Special Buys with a savings of 30 to 50% and more. RAVI CORPORATION is the kind of company that you want to work with. We're privately held, debt-free and financially strong. This combined with a large cash reserve means we can negotiate great deals and have the products you want in stock when you need it.

Why Us ???

Widest range of products

Explore and choose from more than 6000 products across varied categories, which include Phones, Camera, Computers, Entertainment, Home Appliance, Kitchen Appliance, Gaming and Accessories.

We help you buy

Sound and knowledgeable advice from well-trained advisors help you make informed buying decisions.

A name you can trust

Ravi Corporation is promoted by people who knows what they do and committed to excellence in whatever they do.

Customer commitment

Our dedicated customer support team are well equipped to handle all customer complaints & feedback.

Great deals and offers

Nothing else makes a customer smile like receiving amazing deals on their favourite products. To ensure this, Ravi Corporation periodically offers exciting deals that are hard to miss.